Service Configuration I want to try is following...
[1. Service Consumer]
| SOA Interface (SOAP / REST)
[2. Service Provider on Tomcat]
[2'. Service Consumer on Tomcat]
[3. Service Provider]
I want to make an agent service(2) between Service Consumer(1) and Service Provider(3).
For deploying web services and binding Wsdl and java code,
Axis2 seems to be popular than CXF web developing platform according to some BLOGs.
So, first, I try to use to develop Web Service using Axis2.
<< Development Procedure >>
0. Installing Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) / axis2 1.6.0 bin / axis2 1.6.0 wsdl2java plugin / Tomcat bin / Tomcat plugin v33
2. Create [Dynamic Web Service]
3. Create [Web Service Client]
3-1. Server Runtime : Tomcat 7.0
3-2. Web Service Runtime : Apache Axis2
Client Project : xxxx
3-3. Data binding : ADB
# but, the issue arises, which is to unable to convert wsdl to java code by ADB databinding....
3-4. Data binding : Xmlbeans
# I confirmed that wsdl is converted to java code successfully.
3-5. click done
# created java codes are / packages.