
Saigo-Yama Park at Nakameguro Tokyo

Four men and beers and my lovely bicycle at Saigo-Yama Park.

Souma (Somuch), Shun, Makoto (Mako-tyan), and Me.


Axis2 vs CXF

Service Configuration I want to try is following...

[1. Service Consumer]
| SOA Interface (SOAP / REST)
[2. Service Provider on Tomcat]
[2'. Service Consumer on Tomcat]
[3. Service Provider]

I want to make an agent service(2) between Service Consumer(1) and Service Provider(3).

For deploying web services and binding Wsdl and java code,
Axis2 seems to be popular than CXF web developing platform according to some BLOGs.

So, first, I try to use to develop Web Service using Axis2.

<< Development Procedure >>

0. Installing Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) / axis2 1.6.0 bin / axis2 1.6.0 wsdl2java plugin / Tomcat bin / Tomcat plugin v33

1. Service Provider 3 is already hosted on something servlet container, whose WSDL is FIMS Standard v 0.3 (http://wiki.amwa.tv/ebu/index.php/Main_Page)

2. Create [Dynamic Web Service]

3. Create [Web Service Client]

3-1. Server Runtime : Tomcat 7.0

3-2. Web Service Runtime : Apache Axis2
Client Project : xxxx

3-3. Data binding : ADB

# but, the issue arises, which is to unable to convert wsdl to java code by ADB databinding....

3-4. Data binding : Xmlbeans

# I confirmed that wsdl is converted to java code successfully.

3-5. click done

# created java codes are org.xxx / tv.fims.xxx packages.


Applications installed into my Desire

Last month, I bought Android phone "Desire",
I introduce some favorite apps following after that.

1. LauncherPro Beta
1-1. has a lot of configurable parameters.
1-2. affinity for former iPhone user, that means visual effects of transition between applications is resemble to iPhone.

2. Engadget
2-1. a wealth of information about recent gadget.
2-2. not to look too bad against web page from PC.

3. Brightness Level
3-1. able to improve about battery life.
3-2. very light weight.

4. TweetCast
4-1. very easily viewable and controllable UI, kindness to beginner especially.

5. TaskKiller
5-1. able to kill unnecessary tasks by only one click.
5-2. personally, lovely icon.

6. Dolphin Browser
6-1. has tab feature.

7. "No-Ri-Ka-E-An-Na-I" consisted of japanese charactor
7-1. very simple UI, but offers strongly feature which you can search transit information on railway easily and rapidly.

Finally, from now, I expect more useful application which informs about detail weather condition.


End of Japanese World Cup

World Cup 2010 of Japan was end.

It's very very frustrating that Japan could not win in Round of 16...
Dispite going by full day since that...

But, without a doubt that Japan made the football history,
although Arsene Wenger, who is head coach of Arsenal in premier league, and other critics had not expected Japan to proceed to final round.

In this game of round of 16, not only national team members but also most japanese people might remind importance of assosiate, team, co-worker.

Hasebe who is captain of national team of Japan said,
"The strength of this team is just the teamwork, team mates in bench also support our team as same as the first team."
"Teamwork is very important in a short term game like this World Cup."

I say again, it's very frustrating about Japan lost.
But this team is excellent and incredible!
Thanks for national team and coach Okada!!!


I has gone to gym, after that, bought lovely Japanese Beer named Ebisu!!

Basically, I like a British beer more than other beer, but I think this beer is pretty good.

Try it anyway!!

Visualization of Event Route

Recently, Visual Studio 2010 has been released from MS.
I have interest about enhancement of WPF features, in the other hands, I heard Windows Form had become the obsolete stuff.
Although I still use .NET Form technology preferably now, I may change mind of development method.
But, I can't predict how long term I need to acqire WPF basic technology, and can't estimate how much this technology will be useful in my job, task, business...

Now, I make simple local app by WPF framework, so WPF has concept "event routing".
Event routing supports strategy of "bubble", "tunnel", "direct", and upper can be expressed by XAML.
That means IDE knows route of event propagation.
In fact, I think route of event propagation can be visualized, so this info is useful for WPF developers.


Yesterday, 20th Sep 2009, I went fly-fishing to Yamanashi Prefecture with my girl friend!

The weather was very fine, so we could get a lot of trouts :)

She got 14 trouts, however this fishing is first time for her!!

On the other hand, I got 24 instead of my long career..., in fact, I wanted to get double score compared with her :-<